This is my collection of Little Shop of Horrors related things! There's really nothing more to it. As you can tell by this entire section of my site dedicated to it, not to mention that my site's url is already "littleshopofhorrors", I love LSOH so much!! I've seen it live twice (June 5th, 2022 and September 10th, 2022) as of writing this. I already collect CDs and DVDs so it was inevitable that I would start collecting more specifically Little Shop of Horrors related stuff.

This stuff, in (mostly) left to right order are:
- 2000 special edition DVD of the 1986 movie
- 1983 off-Broadway cast recording
- 1986 movie soundtrack
- 2003 Broadway cast recording (insert signed by Kerry Butler!!)
- 2003 Broadway cast recording (again)
- Flyer for the 2003 Broadway version
- 2019 off-Broadway cast recording
- Playbill (gaybill) from when I saw it live in June 2022
- Playbill from when I saw it live in September 2022